Brother Moon, Sister Sun: Ádám Horváth, Botond Keresztesi
Future Gallery is proud to announce Brother Moon, Sister Sun, a duo exhibition by Botond Keresztesi and Ádám Horváth. The exhibition features new paintings by both artists as well as two sculptural works by Horváth. Brother Moon, Sister Sun delves into the concept of the relic and its inherent evolution of meaning throughout generations.
The Czech author, Bohumil Hrabal makes reference to a poem by Carl Sandburg in his book The People, Yes, where he discusses the chemical structure of the human body: “in your blood are 50 grains of iron and in the rest of your frame enough iron to make a spike that would hold your weight.”
Plastic bottles last 450 years in a lifecycle. The material world is something which stays with us longer than our family members or ourselves. Objects are witnesses of human lives and history. Circulating through the past, the present into the future, staying longer for the next generation while our soul will be gone in a shorter period of time.
There is, however, a different circle besides the circle of material goods, which we could call the circle of knowledge or human consciousness. That also exists on a verbal level which again connects to objects, as Magritte said with the pipe, on a deeper level of feelings and emotions.
Oral tradition is information, memories, and knowledge held in common by a group of people, over many generations. The transmission takes place through speech or song and may include folktales chants, and share their mythologies, rituals from one generation to the next one. There is also the ability to rewrite and change their original meaning. It could be transformed, to serve members of the polis, their personal wishes and emotions through time and generations. The paintings exist somewhere in the middle between all of this, where they can tell a tale.
Keresztesi’s paintings are akin to medallions imbued with amorphous collages of imagery; intricate composites of many layered fragments of discernable forms melded into one another. The compositions are first digitally constructed and then rendered on canvas. The resulting images are metallic shields or perhaps portals into another dimension.
The paintings and sculptures by Horváth are organic hyper-relics endowed with electrical networks similar to neurons in a brain. The interconnectivity between the distinct forms is visually palpable. The works hint at a sort of techno mysticism.
Opálos fényed táncol az arcomon.
Odúmat elhagyva, nem félek, nem fázom
Harapok hideg húsodból
Your opalescent light dances on my face.
Leaving my lair, I am not afraid, I am not cold
I take a bite of your cold flesh
Szikrákat vetsz az arcomra
Érzem, tűzforró érintésed
Sejtjeim robbannak, fogom a kezed
Együtt várjuk a másik feled
You throw sparks in my face
I can feel your fiery touch
My cells are exploding, I’m holding your hand
Together we are waiting for your other half
Botond Keresztesi (B. 1987, Romania) is a Budapest-based artist working in painting, drawing and installation. Remixing references from art history, popular culture, and both digital and everyday life, his paintings crystallize into the fragmented realities of dreamscapes. Recent solo and group exhibitions have included: The Hole, New York; Listost, Prague; Galerie Deroullion, Paris; Allouche Benias, Athens; and Carl Kostyal, Malmo.
Ádám Horváth (b. 1988, Hungary) is an artist based in Budapest, Hungary. He attended the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. His visual language is based on a lyrical private mythology that has been brought to life by his current creative attitude. In his paintings and sculptures, he rediscovers mystical nature like an archaeologist digging deep into the past. Recent solo and group exhibitions include: Hannah Berry, London; The Why Not Gallery, Tbilisi; Horizont Galerie, Budapest; and White & Weiss Gallery, Bratislava.