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Press release

Future Gallery is pleased to present Otherworldly, a group exhibition featuring E. D. Adams, Mariah Ferrari, Suanjaya Kencut, Chris Regner, and Brian Robertson. Otherworldly showcases a diverse range of paintings and subject matter, all exploring the theme of portraiture as a concept rather than a representation of the human face. Through the use of avatars, androids, projected selves, and psychological portraits, each artist challenges the viewer to question our perception of identity and the self.

E. D. Adams renders portraits of androids with a precise and masterful hand, seemingly lifeless machines but somehow still imbued with humanity and grace. Mariah Ferrari’s paintings explore touch and its relation to color, surface, and physical presence, bringing the viewers’ attention to their own body and responses to being alive. I Putu Adi Suanjaya, also known as Kencut, aims to bring dolls to life by placing them in real-life situations, endowing them with human emotions, struggles, and joys. Chris Regner works serially, using autobiography as a jumping-off point for satire, humiliation, and explorations of the grotesque, challenging his own values and beliefs in the process. Brian Robertson has embraced the idea of self-portraiture in a literal sense, using his own body and clothes as subject matter but replacing the head of the figure with other organic matter, creating a figure ethereal in nature and allowing the artist to further explore questions of identity and self.